88 research outputs found

    La cita legal en la motivación del auto admisorio para adecuar la vía procedimental de conocimiento establecida en el primer inciso del artículo 475 del Código Procesal Civil, Arequipa 2018

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    La presente tesis lleva por título “La cita legal en la motivación del auto admisorio para adecuar la vía procedimental de conocimiento establecida en el primer inciso del artículo 475 del Código Procesal Civil, Arequipa 2018” , y tiene como objetivo analizar si la cita legal es suficiente para motivar el auto admisorio, cuando se adecua el proceso a la vía procedimental de conocimiento de acuerdo al inc. 1 del art. 475 del Código Procesal Civil. Para llevar a cabo el objetivo planteado se ha desarrollado la investigación de la siguiente forma: Capítulo 1: Marco conceptual. Se desarrolla la evolución cronológica sobre la motivación de resoluciones judiciales, se presentan los alcances históricos en el derecho comparado, siendo la motivación de los autos admisorios el tema central, se desarrollará el proceso civil y las vías procedimentales con el fin de entender mejor el proceso en mención. Capítulo 2: Posiciones. Contiene el estado de la cuestión y las diferentes corrientes que puedan solucionar la problemática planteada. Se tuvo como subcapítulos, la corriente sustancialista y formalista con los respectivos postulados teóricos de sus principales defensores. Capítulo 3: Posición adoptada. Contempla la posición adoptada, la cual fue desarrollada en principio realizando el estudio de la corriente sustancialista y sus argumentos doctrinarios y normativos, la insuficiente motivación del auto admisorio, la deficiente motivación de autos admisorios advertida en la muestra. Asimismo se analizaron las consecuencias normativas de la deficiente motivación, el “deber ser” de la sustanciación del auto admisorio, proponiendo un modelo de auto admisorio con suficiente motivación, efectuando por último la comprobación de la hipótesis. Capítulo 4: Posición en contra. Se desarrollaron las objeciones y argumentos en contra de la postura adoptada, mencionando la legislación comparada que apoya la corriente formalista. Asimismo se trató sobre la realidad actual de los jueces frente la corriente formalista y por último sobre la inviabilidad de la corriente formalista en la realidad normativa, desarrollándose así la confrontación con la postura adoptada. Se empleó como método de estudio el exegético, que nos permitió analizar la normativa y jurisprudencia vinculante, el método sistemático, que nos permitió realizar teorías y exponerlas en pensamientos y finalmente, el método dogmático, el cual tomará en cuenta el marco teórico, donde se desarrollaron aspectos doctrinarios, jurisprudenciales y legislativos. Esta investigación es de tipo descriptiva-exploratoria, en mérito a que no existen estudios similares al tema planteado, de fuente secundaria y estudio documental. La muestra estuvo conformada por 22 autos admisorios pertenecientes a expedientes judiciales tramitados en el 1°, 4°, 5° y 7° Juzgados Especializados en lo Civil de la Corte Superior de Justicia de Arequipa, en el período 2018, seguidos en la vía procesal de conocimiento. La muestra señalada cumplió con lo establecido por el objeto de la investigación. Finalmente los resultados a los que se arribó fueron que, los mencionados autos carecen de suficiente motivación al aplicar solamente la cita legal para la adecuación a la vía procesal de conocimiento (art. 475 inc. 1 del Código Procesal Civil), ya que no se realiza una completa fundamentación basada en el razonamiento jurídico, es por ello que incumple con el deber de motivación y se limita a una mera mención normativa.TesisCampus Lima Centr

    Logística y competitividad: El entorno empresarial norteamericano como referencia de estudio

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    Misión académica internacionalSíntesis de la experiencia vivida en la Misión Académica Internacional realizada en los Estados Unidos del 23 al 30 de noviembre de 2019, oportunidad de conocer ese país desde una mirada tanto académica como también cultural y empresarial, pero con mayor enfoque en el aspecto empresarial mediante la observación de los aspectos logísticos que desarrollan las empresas, esenciales para agregar valor y ser competitivas en el mercado actual.Introducción Planteamiento del problema - pregunta orientadora Objetivo Revisión de la Literatura Informes Conclusiones Recomendaciones ReferenciasEspecializaciónEspecialista en Análisis y Administración Financier

    Forecasting Electricity Prices and their volatilities using Unobserved Components.

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    The liberalization of electricity markets more than ten years ago in the vast majority of developed countries has introduced the need of modelling and forecasting electricity prices and volatilities, both in the short and long term. Thus, there is a need of providing methodology that is able to deal with the most important features of electricity price series, which are well known for presenting not only structure in conditional mean but also time-varying conditional variances. In this work we propose a new model, which allows to extract conditionally heteroskedastic common factors from the vector of electricity prices. These common factors are jointly estimated as well as their relationship with the original vector of series, and the dynamics affecting both their conditional mean and variance. The estimation of the model is carried out under the state-space formulation. The new model proposed is applied to extract seasonal common dynamic factors as well as common volatility factors for electricity prices and the estimation results are used to forecast electricity prices and their volatilities in the Spanish zone of the Iberian Market. Several simplified/alternative models are also considered as benchmarks to illustrate that the proposed approach is superior to all of them in terms of explanatory and predictive power

    European Journalism Observatory- a platform for training and professional networks in the Faculty of Information Sciences

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    The launching of a Spanish platform within the Observatory will serve as a training laboratory for undergraduate and graduate students of the Faculty of Information Sciences at the same time as for establishing a professional media network in and outside Spain. The European Journalism Observatory (EJO) is a network of 14 non-profit media research institutes in 11 countries where Spain continue to be the missing element. All researchers in the EJO network actively strive to transfer their knowledge to the media industry as well as interested publics outside the scientific community, as a platform to enable online availability of at least a portion of many publications in several languages

    Dietary Iron, Anemia Markers, Cognition, and Quality of Life in Older Community-Dwelling Subjects at High Cardiovascular Risk

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    Anemia causes hypo-oxygenation in the brain, which could lead to cognitive disorders. We examined dietary iron intake as well as anemia markers (i.e., hemoglobin, hematocrit, mean corpuscular volume) and diabetes coexistence in relation to neuropsychological function and quality of life. In this study, 6117 community-dwelling adults aged 55-75 years (men) and 60-75 years (women) with overweight/obesity and metabolic syndrome were involved. We performed the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE), the Trail Making Test parts A and B (TMT-A/B), Semantic Verbal Fluency of animals (VFT-a), Phonological Verbal Fluency of letter P (VFT-p), Digit Span Test (DST), the Clock Drawing Test (CDT), and the Short Form-36 Health Survey (SF36-HRQL test). Dietary iron intake did not influence neuropsychological function or quality of life. However, anemia and lower levels of anemia markers were associated with worse scores in all neurophysiological and SF36-HRQL tests overall, but were especially clear in the MMSE, TMT-B (cognitive flexibility), and the physical component of the SF36-HRQL test. The relationships between anemia and diminished performance in the TMT-A/B and VFT tasks were notably pronounced and statistically significant solely among participants with diabetes. In brief, anemia and reduced levels of anemia markers were linked to inferior cognitive function, worse scores in different domains of executive function, as well as a poorer physical, but not mental, component of quality of life. It was also suggested that the coexistence of diabetes in anemic patients may exacerbate this negative impact on cognition. Nevertheless, dietary iron intake showed no correlation with any of the outcomes. To make conclusive recommendations for clinical practice, our findings need to be thoroughly tested through methodologically rigorous studies that minimize the risk of reverse causality

    Longitudinal association of dietary acid load with kidney function decline in an older adult population with metabolic syndrome

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    Background: Diets high in acid load may contribute to kidney function impairment. This study aimed to investigate the association between dietary acid load and 1-year changes in glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) and urine albumin/creatinine ratio (UACR). Methods: Older adults with overweight/obesity and metabolic syndrome (mean age 65 ± 5 years, 48% women) from the PREDIMED-Plus study who had available data on eGFR (n = 5,874) or UACR (n = 3,639) at baseline and after 1 year of follow-up were included in this prospective analysis. Dietary acid load was estimated as potential renal acid load (PRAL) and net endogenous acid production (NEAP) at baseline from a food frequency questionnaire. Linear and logistic regression models were fitted to evaluate the associations between baseline tertiles of dietary acid load and kidney function outcomes. One year-changes in eGFR and UACR were set as the primary outcomes. We secondarily assessed ≥ 10% eGFR decline or ≥10% UACR increase. Results: After multiple adjustments, individuals in the highest tertile of PRAL or NEAP showed higher one-year changes in eGFR (PRAL, β: -0.64 ml/min/1.73 m2; 95% CI: -1.21 to -0.08 and NEAP, β: -0.56 ml/min/1.73 m2; 95% CI: -1.13 to 0.01) compared to those in the lowest category. No associations with changes in UACR were found. Participants with higher levels of PRAL and NEAP had significantly higher odds of developing ≥10% eGFR decline (PRAL, OR: 1.28; 95% CI: 1.07-1.54 and NEAP, OR: 1.24; 95% CI: 1.03-1.50) and ≥10 % UACR increase (PRAL, OR: 1.23; 95% CI: 1.04-1.46) compared to individuals with lower dietary acid load. Conclusions: Higher PRAL and NEAP were associated with worse kidney function after 1 year of follow-up as measured by eGFR and UACR markers in an older Spanish population with overweight/obesity and metabolic syndrome. Keywords: albuminuria; chronic kidney disease (CKD); dietary acid load; glomerular filtration rate (GFR); kidney function; net endogenous acid production (NEAP); potential renal acid load (PRAL); renal nutrition

    Longitudinal association of dietary acid load with kidney function decline in an older adult population with metabolic syndrome

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    Background: Diets high in acid load may contribute to kidney function impairment. This study aimed to investigate the association between dietary acid load and 1-year changes in glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) and urine albumin/creatinine ratio (UACR). Methods: Older adults with overweight/obesity and metabolic syndrome (mean age 65 ± 5 years, 48% women) from the PREDIMED-Plus study who had available data on eGFR (n = 5,874) or UACR (n = 3,639) at baseline and after 1 year of follow-up were included in this prospective analysis. Dietary acid load was estimated as potential renal acid load (PRAL) and net endogenous acid production (NEAP) at baseline from a food frequency questionnaire. Linear and logistic regression models were fitted to evaluate the associations between baseline tertiles of dietary acid load and kidney function outcomes. One year-changes in eGFR and UACR were set as the primary outcomes. We secondarily assessed ≥ 10% eGFR decline or ≥10% UACR increase. Results: After multiple adjustments, individuals in the highest tertile of PRAL or NEAP showed higher one-year changes in eGFR (PRAL, β: –0.64 ml/min/1.73 m2; 95% CI: –1.21 to –0.08 and NEAP, β: –0.56 ml/min/1.73 m2; 95% CI: –1.13 to 0.01) compared to those in the lowest category. No associations with changes in UACR were found. Participants with higher levels of PRAL and NEAP had significantly higher odds of developing ≥10% eGFR decline (PRAL, OR: 1.28; 95% CI: 1.07–1.54 and NEAP, OR: 1.24; 95% CI: 1.03–1.50) and ≥10 % UACR increase (PRAL, OR: 1.23; 95% CI: 1.04–1.46) compared to individuals with lower dietary acid load. Conclusions: Higher PRAL and NEAP were associated with worse kidney function after 1 year of follow-up as measured by eGFR and UACR markers in an older Spanish population with overweight/obesity and metabolic syndrome